[:en]Dear Phenomenologists,
I’m happy to share with you that some lectures from our 5th international symposium Feeling – Emotion – Mood. Phenomenological and pedagogicalperspectives are availlable to watch now on our youtube channel:
Malte Brinkmann: On Bildung and Emotion
Daniele Bruzzone: The Strength of Emotions and the Weakness of Feelings
Tom Feldges/Sonia Pieczenko: Educational Neuroscience (ENS) vs. Phenomenology
Ralf Koerrenz: The Breath and the Heart. Phenomenological Perspectives from the Hebrew Paradigm
Tatiana Shchyttsova: Between Real and Possible: Upbringing as an intellectual-emotional nourishment
Ursula Stenger: Feelings as a basal dimension of the experience of reality-constitution
Norm Friesen: Learning, Moods and Atmospheres: A Phenomenological Video Analysis
Birgit Althans: Make the mood! On the mutual use of emotions
Kristin Westphal: “Affectos Humanos“ – Affects in dance, theatre and education
Have fun watching!
Kind Regards
Malte Brinkmann
[:de]Liebe Phänomenolog*innnen,
ich freue mich, dass nun einige Vorträge unseres 5. internationalen Symposions Gefühl – Emotion – Stimmung. Phänomenologische und pädagogische Perspektiven auf unserem YouTube-Kanal angesehen werden können:
Malte Brinkmann: On Bildung and Emotion
Daniele Bruzzone: The Strength of Emotions and the Weakness of Feelings
Tom Feldges/Sonia Pieczenko: Educational Neuroscience (ENS) vs. Phenomenology
Ralf Koerrenz: The Breath and the Heart. Phenomenological Perspectives from the Hebrew Paradigm
Tatiana Shchyttsova: Between Real and Possible: Upbringing as an intellectual-emotional nourishment
Ursula Stenger: Feelings as a basal dimension of the experience of reality-constitution
Norm Friesen: Learning, Moods and Atmospheres: A Phenomenological Video Analysis
Birgit Althans: Make the mood! On the mutual use of emotions
Kristin Westphal: “Affectos Humanos“ – Affects in dance, theatre and education
Viel Spaß beim Schauen!
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Malte Brinkmann
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